nate lange: cf-l2, gymnastics l1
Nate has been a CrossFit athlete for 7 years and a CrossFit coach for 5 years.
Nate is a family man through and through. His motivation as an athlete is to show up for his kids and be the best dad he can be. That motivation bleeds into his coaching, as he just wants to see others showing up and being the best version of themselves while unlocking untapped potential.
Nate’s advice to a new CrossFitter is to… “First, be confident in yourself. Be confident in your abilities. The only unattainable goal is one that lacks confidence. Second, have fun. CrossFit is considered a sport. That’s why we have coaches. So practice, be patient, and the wins will come.”
Hometown: Prentice, Wisconsin
High School: Homeschooled
Occupation: Plug Power, Hydrogen Fuel Cell Tech Support